Cover image for Belonging

Finding the Way Back to One Another
Hersh, Sharon A.
Christian Living
Self Help
Belonging offers a fresh perspective on common grace, leading us out of self-destructive narcissism and into whole and healthy relationships with God and others. The reality is, God created us with an innate desire to belong to something more than us. When we integrate our story within God's first story about us, we can bravely face ourselves and discover the truth of belonging and worthiness that God has written. And we start to imagine how to invite others into a greater sense of belonging. The journey to finding ourselves and one another is not for the faint of heart. It's messy. It's hard work. It's worth it. We can have a front-row seat to a tectonic shift, not just on the surface of our lives, but in places deep down inside as we recognize common grace in the beautiful and terrible parts of our lives. In other words, every chapter in our stories, every conversation, and every character is part of the way back to belonging. You are invited to the very edge of your seat to anticipate what could happen in you and others if you engage with the unexpected grace that passionately declares life is not all about our pain, our accomplishments, our rights, our abuse, our power, or our beliefs. It is about us finding our way. Together. It is about a supernatural interconnectedness to a deeper story that invades every nook and cranny of our lives with light and love—because we belong to one another. (sharon hersh) is a licensed professional counselor, an adjunct professor in graduate counseling programs, a sought-after speaker, and the author of several books, including The Last Addiction: Why Self Help Is Not Enough, Bravehearts: Unlocking the Courage to Love with Abandon, and Mothering without Guilt. (belonging) is a story that makes you feel at home just by hearing it. We all live with an ache, a deep and inexplicable hope to belong to something more. Our modern world—with its disconnection and anger, its entitlement and emptiness—only intensifies this ache. We are surrounded by people, and yet we feel utterly alone in our secrets, fears, desires, and dreams. Sharon Hersh knows this story well. But she also knows what is true: that our longings can draw us toward the innate belonging and worthiness that God writes into our stories. And in discovery, we can start to imagine how to invite others into this greater sense of belonging. You don't have to keep trying to write your own story. God is inviting you to allow his story to change you, change the conversations around you, and see the characters in your story differently. He is inviting you into the surprise and freedom of grace. He is inviting you to belong.
Tyndale House Publishers
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